The Jester

Posted on Apr 15, 2013

The Jester The Jester – Detail The Jester – detail © KJ Montoya, 2003 Acrylic on Canvas, 16×20″ In the home of a private...

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River of Mercy

Posted on Apr 15, 2013

On display in the Norick Art Center, 2003 River of Mercy Detail Detail Detail   © KJ Montoya, 2003 Acrylic on Canvas In the home of a private...

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Social Commentary by KJ

Posted on Jan 15, 2013

Why does it seem lately that every time I hear something regarding Christianity it’s hateful? Why have we allowed self-righteous bigotry to become a representation of our faith? This is not the faith that Christ taught. He taught us that He came for the sick, not for the healthy. He STOPPED them from stoning the woman for sexual sin. Christ taught us to love our enemies and to bless them EVEN when they persecute us. I understand wanting to wash sin away but that’s NOT our job! That a job done by Christ! Some may point at what happened to the money changers but only HE knows the heart. We are NOT God and that is NOT our place. What is our job? Our job is to put Christ on a stand so that He may give light to the world. And how do we do that? By being peacemakers, by being pure in heart, by feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. That means *I* need to be pure in heart. I have no right to demand it from others. We’re called to be merciful, meek… the list goes on. Y’all know the list. This is stuff we know. I mean, seriously, we KNOW this! So then why, when we see modern day Pharisees taking their wrath out on people that are messing up, or heck, sometimes just people they THINK are messing up, why do we as loving, merciful Christians who actually care about those people just sit back and say nothing? Why are we letting these people speak for Christ when it’s NOT what He said? I don’t have an instant solution. I’m mostly just venting right now about something that’s heavy on my heart. I know I have no need to defend my God but it breaks my heart and stabs into my soul when I see, even people that I love, sometimes slip into hateful speech. I know it’s a human frailty and I know that I myself have many other faults and I’m not condemning them but… I also know the pain it’s caused others. And I know the pain that it’s caused me as I’ve watched it turn people I love away from the true nature of Christ. The nature that I grew up seeing and loving in my parents as they always gave and continue to give at any cost with no thought for themselves. So I look to myself. Where have I failed? Why have I remained silent for so long? Well, that’s easy to see. I’ve obviously failed in a lot of areas. I’m not God so yes, I screw up a lot. Lol But I think the main reason I’ve stayed silent too long that that I’ve allowed my own sin to block my communication with God. Cause, see, when that communication is flowing, well, I’m not so silent. I can’t be. I’ve got too much light inside me to be quiet. You know how extreme light actually makes a noise right? Now, not being silent doesn’t mean I have to stand on street corners and yell at people, it means that my life needs to speak so loudly that others around me can’t deny the love of God. That’s the kind of life my folks lived but somehow it’s eluded me to the point where even the one nearest and dearest to my heart has joined those who now bash my beloved God because of these modern day Pharisees. My most beloved is missing the most wonderful thing that has ever existed. I’m not saying she learned...

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Ideas from my head

Posted on Jan 9, 2010

I went to see Avatar today in 3D. It was an wonderful fantasy that allows you to soar the the skies and through fields of beauty and cheer as peace & unity prevail.  I adored the film. The Na’vi appear very similar in their value structure to the Native American beliefs and others like it that embrace a mother earth and believe that all of life is unified. I can recognize the draw to this way of thinking.  Who doesn’t long for peace and unity?  How can one find fault in such lofty ideals? However, the best deceptions are those that are wrapped around a nugget of truth.  Inside the best deceptions you will indeed find lofty ideals.  But they are only shadows of the full truth, lolling people into a false sense of security only to miss the magnificence of the full truth.  Instead of fully embracing the true Glory of God, they are instead sold short, stubbornly refusing to look God full in the face and REALLY dig to find out who He really is… But agree with me or not, this got me to thinking.  During this movie I fully recognized and embraced an inner desire to be in unity with nature, the animals and each other.  I watched as the Na’vi were able to link and fully bond with magnificent creatures and truly feel their spirits soaring within them.  They were two separate entities and yet managed to become one.   I saw the forests of light and beauty and I recognized my strong desire to be them, in that place, in that unity.  The movie was a celebration of creation, everywhere they turned they truly SAW the beauty that surrounded them.  But as I watched this, I realized that it is very similar to how God first created us. Before the first sin, we WERE in unity with nature, we were in unity with each other,  and most importantly, we were in unity with God.  I think those desires still linger inside the human race many generations removed from the Garden of Eden.  Those desires are innate within us regardless of culture, upbringing and education and have sprung up all over the globe during all eras.  That desire is the nugget of truth that is found within the “Mother Earth” versions of religion.  My sincere prayer is that those of you who dwell inside those beliefs discover the complete fulfillment of these desires.  The only true fulfillment is found in Christ Jesus, the Son of the Almighty God, Master Creator.  That the blinds will be removed from your eyes and that someday you will dwell with me in perfect harmony, in the place where the lion will lay down with the lamb.  That day is coming and it will be more glorious than you can ever imagine.  12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.  1 Cor 13:12  NASB Peace to you and may God go with you in all that you...

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9/11 Poem by my Grandma

Posted on Sep 11, 2009

NINE ELEVEN The sky was blue, the birds did fly, The sun arose in the Eastern sky. In New York when I woke at seven,… ‘Twas a peaceful morn on Nine Eleven. Then terror struck and the towers fell. How many were killed, it was hard to tell. My Mommy and Daddy are now up in Heaven Because of what happened on Nine Eleven. Time went on and day and night, They searched for victims with all their might. Can those terrorists ever be forgiven For what they did on Nine Eleven? Copyright 2001 Esther Myrtle...

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