Why does it seem lately that every time I hear something regarding Christianity it’s hateful? Why have we allowed self-righteous bigotry to become a representation of our faith? This is not the faith that Christ taught. He taught us that He came for the sick, not for the healthy. He STOPPED them from stoning the woman for sexual sin. Christ taught us to love our enemies and to bless them EVEN when they persecute us. I understand wanting to wash sin away but that’s NOT our job! That a job done by Christ! Some may point at what happened to the money changers but only HE knows the heart. We are NOT God and that is NOT our place. What is our job? Our job is to put Christ on a stand so that He may give light to the world. And how do we do that? By being peacemakers, by being pure in heart, by feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. That means *I* need to be pure in heart. I have no right to demand it from others. We’re called to be merciful, meek… the list goes on. Y’all know the list. This is stuff we know. I mean, seriously, we KNOW this! So then why, when we see modern day Pharisees taking their wrath out on people that are messing up, or heck, sometimes just people they THINK are messing up, why do we as loving, merciful Christians who actually care about those people just sit back and say nothing? Why are we letting these people speak for Christ when it’s NOT what He said?
I don’t have an instant solution. I’m mostly just venting right now about something that’s heavy on my heart. I know I have no need to defend my God but it breaks my heart and stabs into my soul when I see, even people that I love, sometimes slip into hateful speech. I know it’s a human frailty and I know that I myself have many other faults and I’m not condemning them but… I also know the pain it’s caused others. And I know the pain that it’s caused me as I’ve watched it turn people I love away from the true nature of Christ. The nature that I grew up seeing and loving in my parents as they always gave and continue to give at any cost with no thought for themselves.
So I look to myself. Where have I failed? Why have I remained silent for so long? Well, that’s easy to see. I’ve obviously failed in a lot of areas. I’m not God so yes, I screw up a lot. Lol But I think the main reason I’ve stayed silent too long that that I’ve allowed my own sin to block my communication with God. Cause, see, when that communication is flowing, well, I’m not so silent. I can’t be. I’ve got too much light inside me to be quiet. You know how extreme light actually makes a noise right? Now, not being silent doesn’t mean I have to stand on street corners and yell at people, it means that my life needs to speak so loudly that others around me can’t deny the love of God. That’s the kind of life my folks lived but somehow it’s eluded me to the point where even the one nearest and dearest to my heart has joined those who now bash my beloved God because of these modern day Pharisees. My most beloved is missing the most wonderful thing that has ever existed. I’m not saying she learned it from me because I’ve never even remotely taught that, but maybe the problem is that my life was too silent to overcome their horrible cries. I don’t know. Hammering myself for it won’t fix anything and I know everything isn’t as simplistic as that but still, my life has been too silent.
So God, tonight I ask of You, I beg of You, please, help me to change. Purify my heart and help me to set it apart for You. Cleanse me from within and make me holy, for You, O Lord are truly worthy.
And Christians, I ask you to just take a moment to prayerfully consider, are you letting His light shine? Are you being a true representation of what He really is about? If not, please, consider what it might cost.